I originally got into cryptocurrency because I was laid off from work. A lot of people were laid off due to covid-19. That being said, I am very new to the space. However, I would like to share some stories with all of you about my journey through the amazing world of crypto.
My journey starts out like most, “sorry about this but we are going to have to let you go.” The date was April 5th 2020. At the time I thought the world was going to end. To make matters worst, the very next day my bank account was frozen and all of the funds that were in my account were taken to pay back taxes that I owed. I was floored. I had no clue what I was going to do to continue to support my family. That night I got home and told my wife that I had to make a few emergency purchases. I made a phone call to my Mom and told her what was going on. I asked her if she would help me to purchase a computer because I wanted to go back to school. She thought that it was a good idea and bought me a computer. She also gave me some cash to keep my family afloat and bills paid.
Luckily it wasn’t long after I lost everything for the second time that I received a text message from unemployment telling me I had multiple $600 deposits and a debit card was on the way. I took all of that money and I bought ETH. What happened to the ETH that I purchased? Well that, my friends, is the beginning of my journey into Decentralized Finance better known as DEFI.
One of the first people that I met while researching DEFI was Drew Harrison Marshall. Drew helped me out with anything and everything that I needed help with and I needed a lot of help. I can only imagine the amount of people that come to Drew for advice and or help. Even though I was Dm’ing him 20–30 times a day, he kept a professional mannerism at all times. So, one day we were chatting and I mentioned that I was in school for Game Art & Development. That is when he told me about NFT’s and how he was working with a company called RottenSwap.org. He told me they had a micro grant program through Cargo.Build and that if I was interested in making some NFT’s for the company that I would be given a custom NFT Badge along with 50 Gems from Cargo.Build so I could mint my NFT’s with them. This was an amazing idea and a way for me to get back into Graphic Design. I told Drew that I would be honored to be a part of his team. That is when the real fun started. To Be Cont…